Definitions of a signal and a system; Classification of signals; Basic operations on signals; Elementary signals.
Systems viewed as interconnections of operations; Properties of systems; Convolution; Impulse response representation; Properties of impulse response representation.
Differential and difference equation representations; Block diagram representations.
Fourier representation: Introduction; Fourier representations for four signal classes; Orthogonality of complex sinusoidal signals.
DTFS representations; Continuous-tine Fourier-series representations; DTFT and FT representations; Properties of Fourier representations.
Frequency response of LTI systems; Solution of differential and difference equations using system function.
Fourier transform representations for periodic signals; Sampling of continuous time signals and signal reconstruction. Introduction to Z-transform; Properties of ROC; Properties of Z-transforms; Inversion of Z-transforms.
Transforms analysis of LTI systems; Transfer function; Stability and causality; Unilateral Z-transforms and its application to solve difference equations.